Tuesday, October 19, 2010


i wonder what someone would think of me who looked at my netflix history. what sort of opinion they would form on me. i'm really not a very consistent person at all. that's probably all they'd come up with.

i want to go to yellowstone sooo bad. before the snow ensues. i feel like only young married couples go with each other. is that what it will take for me to go? to get married? ali, will you guys go with if i get married too? i've been watching documentaries on it, netflix of course, and i just really want to go. or to the backroads montana.

my parents are out of town and i am loving it. so much. anyone who wants to come over, feel free. and if you don't see my car in the driveway, it's because it's in the garage. i know none of you are going to come, but i wish you would.

i'm excited for glee, it better be good. so far the season hasn't been too impressive. with the exception of the britney spears episode of course.

today was such a weird day… then again, most of my days are.

1 comment:

  1. come visit me here in rexburg and we will go to yellowstone. I would love to. firreal. ps if i was home i'd come sleep at your house you know i would. Life's awesome when parents leave.
