Tuesday, April 21, 2009

full speed ahead

i'm really not quite sure how it even came about.. gavin, was it your idea? anyway... the idea was to hey, why not longboard down the canyon trail last night around midnight? despite many concerns, including my own but were quickly pushed aside, we decided it was probably the best idea we could think of, actually... we weren't really even thinking. so i guess that would make it the best idea that we could... not think of. but thought of, cause how else would we know? THE POINT IS WE THOUGHT A LITTLE BIT. i should probably mention that i have gone on.. like three longboard adventures and neither of them were quite extreme. i had ridden the trail on scooters before and all i remember is i had to push the whole way. the only insight we had came from gavin's sister which was, sit when you don't have to push? was that it? i don't really know... and also from dear ali who advised us to definitely not. or die. anyway we started out, i don't know where the moon was because there was no light to guide us. so the first like stretch i thought i could just ride it out, and that is what i attempted to do, passing gavin i entered a dark world of aloneness. i started picking up speed, but the whole time i thought i cannot panic if i panic then i die, and i'm too young to die, so i tried to keep it cool. then i realized that i had nooo idea what this trail was going to throw at me, downhills? i guess that was what gavin was trying to shout at me, does it get steeper? but i was alone. and thats when it became too much for me and i knew that i just had to get off, i never really played this situation out in my head and the only logical thing i could think was, get off. but how? so.... i knew that even if i wasn't on the board it was still going to continue the path of dark uncertainty so i aimed it so it would fly into the good side of trees and crap and then, i simply put my foot down. baaaad decision when i realized that the pavement was actually standing still, and i was not, and when those two met, it threw me to ground. for one second i was pretty sure i broke my foot but i think that's what everyone thinks when they fall. anyway, i shook off the fall just fine with only a cut and a scrape for battle wounds. after that, we decided it was probably the best idea to just sit it out the whole way down, and that's what we did. when we finally made it to the bottom, which was where my car was parked, my mind immediately took me to the moment of just getting out of gavins car to start the journey, keys in hand, then thinking "wait... i didn't drive i don't need these" and throwing them back into his car and shutting the door. nooot a good thinker i am sometimes. anyway... we realized the journey that lay before us, but actually i don't think we really did... between gavin's screaming and wild laughter and my zombie like state we made our way back up the trail, back to gavin's car, alive. thankfully...


  1. I love both sides of this story. we are so great.

  2. i wanted to kill you for doing this. thanks for the shout out.

  3. gavin.. i don't know what you're saying. and ali... you are welcome.
