Tuesday, June 23, 2009
throw it up
barfing makes everything funny, that's what drew would say at least, and i agree... to a certain extent. it depends on the situation, i mean if it's your friend throwing up while you sit on the couch wanting to help but not really sure how... then it's not too funny. if you throw up in class on the back of the kids head who's sitting in front of you, it's waaaay funny. not for the barfer cause you'll probably be called barf bag or something for the rest of your schooling years by all the local bullies, or the barfed on because that sucks, but for all the people who got to watch. personally i've never barfed in class, but i've thrown up just about everywhere else- parking lots are my favorite. every name for barfing makes me want to barf... barf, vomit (that one reminds me of harry potter for some reason) regurgitate, blow chunks, up-chuck, i need to stop before i spew the del taco i just ate all over my mothers keyboard. anyway... last night i had this great thought. it may have been this morning but it was a really great thought. i thought what if every time you threw up, you could throw up your favorite treat? like you just tell your mind your favorite treats and candies and then when you threw up you could throw up candy bars and cake and cotton candy and and and sugar and donuts. that would be the opposite i guess wouldn't it? instead of the things that make you want to barf after you eat too much, you could just barf them up! and i'm not talking about all in little chewed up pieces covered in stomach acid, i'm talking about perfectly way good favorite treats! it's a good idea isn't it? who wants to have a throw up paaarty
Monday, June 15, 2009
i'm not really sure how or when it all started, and as i sit here now i realize how awful of an idea it was since i feel half dead half... zombie. but are zombies all dead? or just like partially dead? maybe i just needed to recover from my trip to st george with a bunch of girls last week, but i guess there's not much recovery needed from lounging around a pool, eating, and watching tv and movies all day... i would say the climax of the trip was when me and kate released all pent up frustration and anger on the furniture rather than each other. it kind of escalated into some knife pulling, after kate threw her cloths at me, and screaming which resulted in a call to the cops from one of the neighbors. i guess it's better than a call to the cops requesting that they also bring an ambulance to haul off our dead bodies. it was after that moment when i realized that me and kate have the strangest relationship i have ever met. i guess mostly it was just emotionally draining, i do miss it though. maybe it could've been that gavin decided to go back to stupid vegas, even after much begging not to, since he's the only willing soul to hang out with me these days. that's not enTIRELY true... i guess it may have come from watching charlie and the chocolate factory, which by the way is my new favorite movie of all time, and wondering HOW those old people feel about spending every second in bed. maybe it was combinations maybe maybe maybe who knows, all i know was this past weekend i tried out hibernation. animals do it, why can't we? it was not one of my greatest ideas because it threw off my already loose grip on reality into an out of control whirlwind. this past weekend i spent either in my bed sleeping, or else endlessly driving alone on rainy roads while my eyes did some raining of their own. all i have to say is that if you had to speak to me these last few days, i apologize for my madness. i guess since what i was trying to do wasn't a human thing, i no longer felt like so much of a human... which resulted in me not acting like a human. so for whatever reason, human hibernation just was not meant to be... trust me.
also.. i got the opportunity at work to be a part of a "special project" even though i view pulling endless weeds in the middle of the day with the blazing sun beating on me cruel and unusual punishment it was nice to get out of my claustrophobic cubicle (alliteration?) and out in some fresh air country air. i do enjoy planting flowers... but not mass amounts of them in soil that i'm pretty sure could pass for clay it was so hard. it was a treat working alongside the landscaper angela who made fun of my dads business and kept getting weird phone calls promising people foot massages later...
i had a great thought that came to me while i was in and out of slumber, those are always the best, i thought why can't on the nights you don't want to sleep just store it and then on the nights when you can't sleep you can just pull it out and use it. ?!?!?!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
since we had done some pretty hood rat stuff last week we decided to do some more hood rat stuff tonight. because we are the epitome of hood rats... so we decided to go buy some eggs. and then we drove around with the eggs, planning on throwing them. in the end, we threw one egg- i threw it at annie's lil sis baby v and her friends. wait, annie also threw one at me, freakin idiot. then we decided to just go home and we fried them eggs up and somehow talked in bad redneck country accents the rest of the night. fresh air country air.
hood rats
last week was the most eventful. thhhe most eventful. i guess i'll just give you a brief overview of all activities. one thing i do know is that we gypped (that's how you spell it i know it) a lot of people out of money. first activity- no doubt concert with special guests paramore and the sounds. this was one of the craziest nights of my life, this is what happened. i went with me cyd drew and kate and all we knew is that we had to get down on the floor because it just could not be fully enjoyed from seats, it just could not. we lacked bracelets though, and the people where whippin out flashlights to check for them. so we were planning and planning when the moment came, a bunch of girls ran through and the lady, 50 plus, took OFF after them. no words were exchanged, we knew it was our moment, we all got up and ran through. i thought i was home free until the enraged woman decided to teleport to me and wrap her arms around my neck, i still tried to run but she ripped me down, at that moment i looked over my shoulder and saw drew trying to mask her beyond terrified face and was casually walking, i will never forget her face. she threw me out and was immediately surrounding by officers who started making their way up to me, still shaking and trying to figure out what happened i could only think one word. two, actually. shit. and run. so i got up and ran out hid in the bathroom for a minute, tried to come up with a plan, took off my red vest and put up my hair in attempt to disguise myself. somehow i ended up sitting behind my cousin who happened to have a wristband to happened to not be using it. they slipped it off and i slipped it on and made it just in time for no doubt. which was AMAZING. gwen is so sexy. then i went to lagoon, almost fought some kids, started raining lots and then it hailed and it hurt, i wanted to drive to vegas but no one was with me there. then i graduated, lost my tassel, twice, stupid tassel. then we snuck into our senior all night party, and i got to go on stage with the magician and be amazed. i don't want to say anymore. i slept for a lot of hours.
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