Sunday, February 28, 2010


(don't let that smile fool you, we're not yet on the best of terms but we share a room. the spider, not the doofus.)




dreams out of my dreamcatchers and stuffedanimals jurisdiction.



  1. You forgot " Divided By: Percy Jackson: The Lightning Bolt Thief "

  2. i cant believe you guys saw those. you doofus'. dont come to me when you have the worst dreams ever.

  3. how did you feel about shutter island? personally it blew my mind. it was the best time and worst time of my life all experienced in around two hours. i still think about it and it's been days. i sometimes wonder if i am real, or if this is real. am i insane?

  4. it blew my mind too. like it's still gone. sometimes i just had to take my eyes off the screen. and yeah, i know that everyone's just playing along with me. it's only a matter of time before i realize... but it was great.
