Friday, October 29, 2010

just a lil convo

Hey Anna, I'm doing a super-last minute homework assignment and need to interview three people I don't know very well. I think the only time I've talked with you was during the pioneer trek. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions for a media writing class assignment?
shoot for the stars
that means yeah
Sweet thanks so much. Well is there anything interesting going on in your life right now? Are you going to school, or working, etc.
i only work right now, and it is a real bore. a definite soul sucker.
Where do you work?

sprinkler world
Nice. What do you do there?
i am a file girl. basically i just make piles.
Have you done anything fun lately or unique. It doesn't have to be something way crazy, but something that's maybe a little unique?
lemme think a minute
well there was this one time when i stole a really nice wand from my friends little brother that he made with a lathe and went around town casting spells at people. i even cast a few of the unforgivable spells but keep that part quiet. does that count?
Haha, nice. So what got you interested in Harry Potter, and what are your plans with the upcoming movie releases?
my friend drewbee suggested that i read them, she knew i'd love them and of course i did. i just finished the whole series not too long ago and i'm obsessed. i'll be at the midnight premiere, dressed up no doubt, probably as hermione
Haha! Perfect. See, you do have a news story in your life. So really quick, how would you set yourself apart from other Harry Potter fans? What makes you different?
well i think that in the end we're all just looking for a little bit of magic in our lives, and harry brings that to us in such a great way. i actually believe i'm a wizard and my parents hid my letter from hogwarts. the books sort of meshed into my real life, i dunno how many other people that happened to, but i'm guessing i'm probably in the minority.
Haha! Nice. Well, thanks so much for all your help. I appreciate it!
you're welcome, i'll talk about HP anyday

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