one summer day i paid a small child one dollar to put some string in my hair. a couple days ago, i cut it out. shortly after my mom decided to 'trim' my hair and cut off about 2 inches
i went to st george with my sister spontaneously one night, we got there at two in the morning, it was a great trip.
i ate ONE cookie and my mom told me its a wonder my bowels still work properly. that's why i do most of my sugar consumption not under her supervision.
i have greatly impaired my vision with hours of solitaire on my ipod. seriously, things are getting really blurry, squinting right now.
i'm going to put my pride aside and apply... at the scone cutter. pretty desperate. pretty greasy.
gavin: i think you're dead, but i hope all is well
ali: i hope that you're feeling better and not losing it at work.
drew: you read this right? sometimes? howl's magic castle or whatever that movie is..
and to anyone else who reads this that i'm not aware of, please raise your glasses, if you do not have one please take a moment to go get one and fill it with your choice of liquid. now, raise them. thank you to all who sit and waste your time reading these words that start in my brain and make their epic journey through my arms to my fingertips that melodically punch these keys and make their big debut on your screen. all to form a bunch of complete nonsense. here's to you guys. (this is the part where you drink)
i'm pretty sure the best thoughts, from my experience anyway, come from that moment in time where your mind is dancing back and forth between the line that separates awakeness from dreamland, consciousness from unconsciousness (i know i learned the difference of that in psychology. so, Mrs. L, if i'm using it incorrectly just know... that i cheated on both of my term projects) where your mind is uninhibited, free to wander around and free to be silly, because it's ok to be silly, and it's ok to wander around. which is why it makes sense that the thoughts are usually unrealistic and far fetched but still have some kind of realness attached. usually i like to share, and even though it takes a lot for me to grab my phone and write it all with the bright light blinding me, it's still worth it cause usually i forget about it in the morning.. so put your hands up, or your drinks if you still have them, or even HAD them, if you've ever woken up to one, or two or three or four, bizarre texts from 'anna' or whatever you have me in your phone as.. alright i see a few hands. the other night i thought... why does time have to fly when you're having fun? really. it's so rude. why can't time fly the other times, like oh i don't know at work or school or boredom or anything that falls into the category of not fun, instead of frequently checking the clock- only to find out that it hasn't moved at all. stupid.
until next time folks