Sunday, January 24, 2010


i need to talk with you guys about something. and i need you to put judgements aside, please. so listen. i love the macdonalds (i understand it's not spelled like that, i am an american after all, it's for pronunciation purposes only). not only do i love the macdonalds, but i love the fish fillet from there, or filet-o-fish as they like to put on the little box it comes in.


i don't like fish much at all, i'm not even quite sure it's real fish so that may be why, but it is soooo good. like really, so good. i just wonder if i'm under some sort of curse, cause this just does not seem right to like, right? have you ever cast a spell on someone, like at a red light or something? they don't like it AT all. like one time, this woman cut us off, so i cast a spell on her and her inconsiderateness and she looked at me soooo angrily. as if. try it, it's way fun. anyway, i would like to challenge you all, like they do sometimes in sunday school, to...

try one.

because you're gonna like it, and if you don't like it, then it's on me. or it could be on me anyway, just let them pay me at my workplace first. it's all i can think about, and all i want to eat. period. this could cause a problem for me though.. whatever.
i don't care, cause.....

no more

i think that driving curse is n/a. the one i was talking about before, remember? i don't know. for some reason i feel like freeway speeds are acceptable on all roads. and those stupid crazy mix master mix mix after hour weekend mix things on the radio definitely do not help my foot ease off the gas any. i still want a pet spider.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


mine and cyd's roman candle duel

some blazing wolf rockets

roman candles are the best things in the whole wide world. so i attacked gavin. for the full effect feel free to cast spells. out of body experience.

some more roman candle madness. cyd naaaails duncan.

just a great shooting firework.

this is what firecrackers are for

we thought we could put this one in a hole. it was awesome. and terrifying. like i said, not quite justice. and i apologize for my freeeaking out.

we needed to do it a couple times.

suuuuch a good firework hoodrat time out on the lake.

the grand finale

since annie keeps leaving, to really cool places ie india and now italy, freak. we have to keep throwing her goodbye parties. i'd have to say this one was pretty high on the list. ever since our amazing show on new years, fireworks have been on the forefront of our, well, my, mind. there was no time to zoom to evanston. actually, yes there was but then i remembered my stash of fireworks that only felt like a dream since my dad has kept them locked away from me for seriously years and years in some stupid huge metal box behind work. i tricked him into telling me the code by saying that he stole mine and my friends scooters and we need them back. he puts stuff like that in there. like my mini clown bike. it makes me real mad. so anyway he told me the code, and i went out there to fiiinally make my dream come true. there was a problem. the lock was not budging. to give you a little sample of my anger management problem i grabbed some metal tool wrench thing my dad gave me to put in my car to change my tires and i started beating the hell out of it. after a while i realized it was doing no good. so i just gave up. then i returned and then it still would not work so i ate some real gross pie with my hands that some farmers gave me at the fruit growers convention like some sort of animal and called my dad. he informed me that it had in fact been moved. thanks. anyway long story short i found the freaking fireworks. with a few road blocks here and there but nothing to stop me. like we could ever send annie off with anything less than super hoodrat. because it's fun to do bad things. so we went to the lake, where it's all frozen, with our loads of fireworks. and were hoodrats. i'll put some vids up, even though they still don't quite capture the gravity of the situation. ali don't get mad with me. we were safe. the only video though, that we didn't get is one that SHOULD have been recorded, but got missed. i always have been a number one fan of firework names, i think that should be my profession, to name fireworks. so i had this little one in my hand called "utter chaos" i lit it, and then i threw it. and no one knew what it was capable of really, except i did. and it came SHOOTING back toward and through all of us creating madness and running and screaming and, well, UTTER CHAOS. that green ball of fire was on a mission. no firework has been so accurately named. annie, you be safe in this newest italian adventure of yours. you're so freakin steezy.

you're the best hoodrat i know. 4realz.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i'm pretty sure that one of the worst decisions that i have made in my life was made just moments ago. you see i was at cyd's house and then the time finally came to go home. i'm sure you're all more than aware of the bitter icy coldness that the outside world brings right about now. so i ran to my car and my heart sank to find out it was covered in frost. it actually didn't sink, it didn't really care, which is why i jumped in, started it, and began driving. i then realized that i couldn't see anything, at all. my solution was to roll the window down and drive with my head out. then i figured the faster i drove, the faster i'd get home. but really, the faster i drove the harder that frigid death stung my face off, and made it real hard for my eyes to stay open, so they closed sometimes. driving with your head out the window is hard enough. i don't live that far away, but it was far enough for my face to freeze into a pretty awful expression. let's hope it's gone by the morning.

happy birthday duncan monte

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

what's the difference

once upon a time my sister babysat some crazy kids for like a week. we bonded over their kittens. so i guess they thought that put them on a "we are now able to rudely awaken anna from her perfect nap" status. in my own house, in my own room, in my own bed. to add insult to injury, through the jumping and screaming it caused my blankets to stir, which revealed my sleeping partner; a stuffed otter. once the 8, or 6, or 10, what's the difference she was a tiny human who looked like she was five years old. once she caught sight of it, it put her in a rage of laughter. i demanded to know what was so funny, and she pointed at my otter. what kind of world do we even live in now? what do the tiniest of humans sleep with these days? cell phones and fergie songs? so for christmas, my mom turned one of our trees into an "animal tree" i thought it was just a joke when she told me to go get my otter for the "animal tree" but then when i finally brought it up to her, i watcher her as she tied a ribbon around its neck and set it down by a bunch of random other stuffed animals with ribbons and bows as well. i was kinda speechless when i first saw it to tell you the truth, i didn't know if i wanted to laugh at how crazy it was, or cry at how beautiful it was. then she ordered me to go get my "woof" (how she says wolf) stuffed animals as well. i wish i had a picture. anyway the point is that i have been sleeping solo since then. which isn't completely true because i got a precious baby wolf from a precious friend
here we are.

my otter was returned the other night, and they get along wonderfully. stuffedanimals=good

i survived through yet another statement day at work. for those of you who are unaware of the awfulness it contains just know that all it amounts to are bleeding fingers and losing your mind fold by fold, envelope by envelope and that one day, it will be the death of me. i was lucky enough though to have an amazing angel show up, just as i was planning all the ways i could kill myself with surrounding office supplies, bearing the best tiniest oranges nonetheless, and help me collect myself, and put a move on. funny how such a bad thing can turn into such a great thing with the right company. i'm so very thankful to have such great friends. i love you guys.