since annie keeps leaving, to really cool places ie india and now italy, freak. we have to keep throwing her goodbye parties. i'd have to say this one was pretty high on the list. ever since our amazing show on new years, fireworks have been on the forefront of our, well, my, mind. there was no time to zoom to evanston. actually, yes there was but then i remembered my stash of fireworks that only felt like a dream since my dad has kept them locked away from me for seriously years and years in some stupid huge metal box behind work. i tricked him into telling me the code by saying that he stole mine and my friends scooters and we need them back. he puts stuff like that in there. like my mini clown bike. it makes me real mad. so anyway he told me the code, and i went out there to fiiinally make my dream come true. there was a problem. the lock was not budging. to give you a little sample of my anger management problem i grabbed some metal tool wrench thing my dad gave me to put in my car to change my tires and i started beating the hell out of it. after a while i realized it was doing no good. so i just gave up. then i returned and then it still would not work so i ate some real gross pie with my hands that some farmers gave me at the fruit growers convention like some sort of animal and called my dad. he informed me that it had in fact been moved. thanks. anyway long story short i found the freaking fireworks. with a few road blocks here and there but nothing to stop me. like we could ever send annie off with anything less than super hoodrat. because it's fun to do bad things. so we went to the lake, where it's all frozen, with our loads of fireworks. and were hoodrats. i'll put some vids up, even though they still don't quite capture the gravity of the situation. ali don't get mad with me. we were safe. the only video though, that we didn't get is one that SHOULD have been recorded, but got missed. i always have been a number one fan of firework names, i think that should be my profession, to name fireworks. so i had this little one in my hand called "utter chaos" i lit it, and then i threw it. and no one knew what it was capable of really, except i did. and it came SHOOTING back toward and through all of us creating madness and running and screaming and, well, UTTER CHAOS. that green ball of fire was on a mission. no firework has been so accurately named. annie, you be safe in this newest italian adventure of yours. you're so freakin steezy.
you're the best hoodrat i know. 4realz.
this is the best and made me so happy. glad you were a safe kid out there. remember how that guy had to help you shut that shed? haaaaa. but really. maybe ill go to the lake one time. maybe.