Tuesday, November 16, 2010

tuesday is so the new friday

if anyone is ever wondering about me on a tuesday, wonder no further. this is how my new tuesdays of tradition go.

tuesdays = taco amigo. taco amigo trumps del taco, taco bell, taco time, any sort of taco named fast paced eating establishment any day ever ever of ever. i am completely obsessed. and i mean it. obsessed. number 2, 3 fry sauce and 2 taco sauce. i am so curious to know the stories that the employees have formed on me, and i know that they have because i'm in there all the time. and nine times out of ten i'm by myself.

tuesdays = a matinee showing at the wynnsong. this long lost theater is one of my favorite places of refuge. it's barely hanging onto life, so i choose to give it business whenever possible. it's really not that rare of an occurrence to be the only human in the theater, which is just one of its perks. it's also home to the "stimulus tuesday" check it out sometime.

maybe i'll fit some work in, maybe i will not.

i wait around for a bit for my freakin great friend mal to finish her stupid homework. i rush to her house where we get out glee on. every week we add to our menagerie of television programming, and so far this is what we've got. glee of course, which to be honest has been lacking this season, although i do love me some good kurt freak outs and can thank last episode for supplying me with that. "COURAGE." hahaha. after that is our show lost tapes. absolutely hilarious. then we have freak encounters, which is equally as hilarious. gotta thank animal planet for those beauties. and then we have our new series called walking dead that we just started, about my worst subject. zombies. it's insane and has me thinking about zombie survival tactics all night which continue into my dreams. sometimes mal makes me cookies, and sometimes i eat her families pizza. when we're up to it we usually demonstrate some of our pool playing skills.

i live for tuesdays. absolutely live for them. if you want a good tuesday, just give me a call, i'm pretty sure i can help you out.

yes i am watching rocko's modern life right now, and yes it is so dang weird.

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