Sunday, April 25, 2010

and then i came home

so i'm back now. and i'm pissed. because why would i want to be back? i wasn't ready to come back. even after ten hours in a full car. so to help me out here, i'm going to remember some of the highlights from our trip. in no particular order

the orange trees.

when gavin's mom tricked us into thinking we were staying in that castle in vegas, but we got cheesecake and the classy marriott instead.

when we played tennis at some sketchy courts, and watched a seriously insane fight between the hoodrats on the basketball courts and froze and stared. and the little asian boy on the court next to us screaming f words when he got bad hits

when gavin's music played, everybody putting in their own headphones

drew's moaning from the backseat on every one of gavin's turn and screaming "for the love!"


annie's obsession with thrift stores, and the 40% off sale on earth day at goodwill.

every second at six flags, even when i overheated in the car while waiting for excedrin to kick in. especially the little boat ride. especially all the roller coasters except that stupid one.

when we went to the beach and the lifeguard waved us in, and explained to us that cydnee was in a riptide and was almost swept out to sea, "it's pretty deep over here guys"

this one is my favorite. and it's going to take a while. when we went to the beach, and it was pretty cold, and the water was especially. then all annie kept screaming was about how we had to take off our swim suits, because we had to be like some sort of something, some tv show or something, i can't remember. but if you know me, then you know i don't take much convincing, so off came the swim suits. and i swear at that moment the ocean decided be be extremely chaotic and started throwing its hugest waves at us. so everyone was smart except for me, and went under the biggest wave yet, but i instead chose to let it tumble me around everywhere. somewhere during the tumbling, me and annie had some epic crash into each other session under the wave. then i came back up, and then another wave came, and i got so much salt water in my mouth, and just kept being thrown around, and all i could think was to not let go of my articles of clothing, or else i'd be in serious trouble, so i was being tossed and drinking more salt water, and coughing, and feeling like i was in some sort of washing machine, and everyone kept screaming at me to put my swim suit back on but i couldn't get a good footing, and i couldn't let go of my stuff. we were like the only ones in the water, with plenty of people on shore, so i wonder what it looked like to them. cyd and annie somehow managed to do a pretty good job of staying under the water, but i had more important things to worry about. the story ends with me finally getting my swim suit back on, and then we left the beach. totally worth it. (susan don't get mad)

finally finding a sand crab, and naming him nice, and putting him in our sandcastle.

sharing a room with cyd and sleeping on the hardest coldest bed.

being nice

all the things you can make with embroidery floss. and coming home all strung out (pun for sure intended)

now i'm home, and it took me like four days to write this blog. i still feel mad to be home, and now i feel like the trip never happened at all. i'm seriously retarded at putting pictures on this, so look somewhere else, i don't care.

1 comment:

  1. all i know is that i kept wondering this whole time if the part with you not having a swimsuit on was in the daytime. anna, were there children around for this? i just dont even know. and seaweed. ew. kthanksbye.
